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  • Writer's pictureLeah Roche

Lasagna Roll Ups

Hello again all! I'll be honest, since the announcement of the pandemic I haven't mentally been able to think about blogging and creating recipes. My focus has been on supporting my husband, Sean (who is a provider at an urgent care), and keeping the kids busy here at home. If I weren't so frightened for Sean, I actually might find this time with the kids much more enjoyable. I have discovered I really like teaching and learning with Wyatt... most days. That said, the anxiety of having someone on the frontlines has been emotionally taxing. As I lay awake last night though, I realized something. This is when I need to blog probably more than ever. If for no other reason than to keep my sanity and create some normalcy. So I can be strong for my family, and to keep me from reading article after article about COVID-19. So without further fuss here's what I come back with...

During this difficult time in our world's history, we can all use a little comfort and what better comfort food is there than a creamy, cheesy lasagna. But this lasagna has a little twist... or roll if your will! I came across this recipe on Dianne's Vegan Kitchen when I was looking for meals that used main ingredients other than beans, lentils and chickpeas... needed some variety in our menu! One of the main parts of this dish is tofu. I feel like people either love tofu or hate it. But before some of you go running like my hubby. Give it chance because both Sean and Wyatt gobbled these right up! Honestly, you can't even taste it, but it gives the rolls a nice creamy texture in the middle. So good! I also feel I need to confess that we used real cheese on the top because my guys won't eat the vegan shredded cheese, but this is a very easy substitute so top it with whatever kind of cheese you like! Serve along side a beautiful green salad and if you're like me these day a nice big glass of wine. Voila!

Stay home, stay safe! XO

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