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Plant-Based Recipes

It's all about the vegetables here... ok, ok there are sugary treats too, but my hope is to base my family's main meals around fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains. 

Mindfull Living

Join me on my journey to become more mindful in my daily living as a parent, spouse, and community member with the help of meditation and other techniques.

Nearby Nature

Love exploring the outdoors? Me too! These days my adventures usually involve two amazing pint-sized side kicks, and thus, are apt to be kid friendly.

Hi There!

Welcome to Rise Up Pantry. I'm Leah. Mother of two spirited kids, wife to one amazing partner, and lover of all things wild and green. Yes, I love being outdoors, but when I am inside you'll find me in the kitchen exploring new plant-based recipes, and that's why I started this blog. I wanted to share the yummy things we can make when we center our meals around fruits, vegetables and healthy grains. (If you have a sweet tooth, not to worry, I like making treats still too!) Through this journey of being more conscious about food, I've discovered a parallel need to be more aware of what I am feeding my mind. It is possible to increase our capacity for joy, gratitude, and love even in these crazy times! So join me on this quest for a happier, healthier life. After all, we are stronger together, and I am glad you are here. 


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