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  • Writer's pictureLeah Roche

BBQ Bean Burgers

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

I'm back! And with a summertime burger that will have you feeling that sunshine down in your soul. Many of you may not know this because I grew up in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver, but I have Texan in my DNA. This gal here was born in Austin and enjoys visiting relatives (especially my Nana) down in the lone star state whenever I get the chance. This BBQ plant-based creation is dedicated to my Texas family. I hope it would do them proud and I hope you enjoy it as much as my crew. I served it alongside my family's other summertime favorite, watermelon!! I swear between my husband and the kids they could devour a watermelon in a single day.


  • 1 15oz can kidney beans

  • 1 15oz can cannellini beans

  • 1 cup shredded carrot

  • 1/4 cup shredded or finely diced red bell pepper (can do more if you desire)

  • 1 small onion finely diced.

  • 1 cup flour from steel-cut oats

  • 1/2 cup steel-cut oats

  • 1/2 tsp chili powder

  • 1/2 tsp minced garlic

  • 1 tbsp flax meal

  • 1/2 cup BBQ sauce of choice

  • Optional Slaw: I'm lazy and use the classic coleslaw mix package from the store. This is combined with about 1/2 cup vegan mayo, the juice from one lemon, and salt & pepper to taste. If you want to kick it up a notch add a little Cayenne pepper or chili powder.


  1. I start by pulling out my beloved food processor and grinding up the oats to make the oat flour. Next, I just change up the attachment and shred my carrot and red pepper. If this is not an option for you, I have also ground up oats in our coffee grinder or oat flour can be purchased at the store.

  2. Combine these ingredients in a large bowl with the rest of the list.

  3. With a potato masher, or you could probably use a fork but it might take longer, I mix and mash everything together until I get the desired consistency. You want it to be sticky enough to hold together in a burger shape.

  4. Form into patties and cook. I used a heaping half cup of the mixture per burger.

  5. To cook, I've been using a large fry pan heated with a little oil, and I let the burgers cook about 5 minutes per side on medium-high heat. We don't have a grill at the moment, so I haven't been able to give this method a try but I think it can definitely be done. Just be sure the mixture isn't too wet and either oil the grill rack or cook on top of a greased piece of aluminum foil to prevent sticking. I'd venture to guess you can bake these bad boys too, but I like to avoid heating the oven on hot summer days!

  6. Top with slaw, lettuce, more BBQ sauce, sliced jalapeno, or whatever your heart desires. :-)

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1 comentário

21 de dez. de 2020

We're going to try this next week! -Em

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