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  • Writer's pictureLeah Roche

Favorite Go-to Salad

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

Like most households, weeknights at our house can be busy. For a long time, we've just had Wyatt's activities to contend with in the evenings, and lucky for us he doesn't like to over extend himself . A bit of a homebody like his mom and dad in that sense! That said, with Sean gone most evenings, and as Lydia gets older the schedule is getting more and more crowded.

Lydia started a dance class on Friday evenings. I was a little leery given that it started during what all of us parents know as the "witching hour", but it's gone better than I could have ever imagined! Watching these little girls in their pink tights, tutus and slippers is just about the most endearing things I've seen in a long time.

As cute as ballet class is, it also means we're getting home about 5:30 and that means everybody is hungry! I do my best to preplan meals on evenings like this, but some times life gets in the way and you need those easy, fall back meals to get food in bellies. This salad has become my go to when I need to whip up something quick, but also satisfying. I think it's filling enough to eat alone, but I've also served it along side other things like a good veggie burger (see below for our favorite frozen black bean patties for a quick dinner idea). The best part is the ingredient list isn't very long, and it's easy peasy to assemble!


1 large avacado diced 1 cup (approximately) small tomatoes cut in half 1/2 long English cucumber diced 15 oz can chick peas

1/4 red onion thinly sliced. I also sub green onions and even yellow onion depending on what I have on hand.

3 tbsp olive oil

Juice from half a lemon. I estimate it to be about 3 tbsp. I also think you could sub vinegar for the lemon. I just like the tart taste the lemon provides.

Salt and pepper to taste *If you want to spice it up even more add 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

1. Cut up veggies and add to a large bowl mixing in the chick peas.

2. Add oil, lemon, and spices. Toss to coat.

3. Ummm, that's it!

What's cool about this salad is that it keeps really well in the fridge to be eaten as leftovers the next day or if you want to make ahead. Just re-toss the ingredients before eating.

I'm also going to do a little plug for the Chipotle Black Bean Burgers I ate with my salad. Nothing beats a homemade bean burger, BUT if you're short on time, these burgers by Don Lee Farms (and sold at Costco) are easy to toast up and throw between buns with lettuce, avocado, and tomato... or whatever toppings your heart desires.

What are your quick weeknight meals? I'd love to hear!

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