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  • Writer's pictureLeah Roche

Hearty Kale and Broccoli Salad

Updated: Feb 12, 2020

"My heart says chocolate and wine, but my jeans say for the love of god woman eat a salad."

OK all jokes aside, I actually love salads. Soups and stews are often the stars of my winter meals, but I'm always partial to a beautiful green salad anytime of year. In fact, I usually have a salad at the end of every meal. That's right at the END of the meal because that's when my sweet little French grandma taught me to serve it. That actually reminds me of her simple but memorable bib lettuce salad with vinegar and olive oil... but that's a salad post for another day. Today's salad, is a little heartier and in my opinion can be eaten as a meal all on it's own. Especially if you throw in a crunchy slice of bread on the side.

Look at those gorgeous colors!

I found this green gem on one of my all time favorite sites Peas and Crayons. Jenn is a genius in the kitchen and I have yet to make any of her recipes that I haven't absolutely loved. She's part of the inspiration behind Rise Up Pantry, and I seriously wish I could be best friends with this woman.

Let's talk about this salad now. First of all, you can find the full recipe here. All you need to pull this one off is a big bowl of kale to start. I took a short cut this time around and purchased a big bin of pre-washed baby kale. Add to that some chopped up broccoli (smaller chunks are better in my opinion), shredded carrots, chopped almonds, sunflower seeds, and dried cranberries. Toss it all in a lovely tart lemon vinaigrette and you are good to go!

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