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  • Writer's pictureLeah Roche

Where in the World are the Rochés?

I know a lot of us can probably say this right now, especially this year when it feels like the world as we know it is imploding, but it has by far been the most challenging year of my life. Some of the challenges we'll have to save for another time, another post, but I'll let you all in on the life challenge that’s had many saying, “Where in the world are the Roches?”

You see, put simply we moved. Yes, again. But we didn't just move from one house to another. We moved back to Colorado from Oregon. For those that don't know my personal history, my family moved to Oregon in May 2019 looking for a change of pace from the busy metro area of Denver, and as you can imagine, it was a big decision to make the move back. AND if moving across the country isn't hard enough, in the midst of it all, we were forced to flee from the Holiday Farm Fire that started up the Mckenzie River. This fire came within miles of our home in Oregon. All while we were under contract. We were evacuated from the house for about a week, and as many Oregonians know it was an extremely crazy time. It seemed like the entire state was on fire, and everywhere you went the sky was black and soot-filled. Ash rained down. It was unreal, and yet very real if that makes any sense. After sleeping in our camper at one of the local school parking lots for several nights we fled with the kids and pets to clear skies, Colorado, and family. When it seemed we'd get the all-clear to go back to our house and resume selling negotiations (and boy did our buyers have negotiations in mind) we left the kids with my parents and headed back to Oregon. I split time between moving prep in Oregon and kids in Colorado for the next few weeks while Sean finished up his required clinical shifts. It was exhausting, and it was painful to be away from the kids for such long periods. I hope we never have to do that again, but I will say it was such a sweet reunion when we were all together again! The hugs were epic!

Our initial plan was to land in Longmont, CO as Sean had a job offer at an urgent care in Boulder, BUT the week we left Oregon, Sean was approached with another job offer in Durango, CO. We suddenly had a lot of soul searching to do in a very short period of time. After we reunited with the kids on the front range (where my folks live) we took a quick trip to Durango to check out the area and make our decision. I think it was the golden Aspen leaves up and down the San Juan Mountains that sealed the deal, because we were sold on Durango in no time. Deep down I think it was always meant to be. We'd talked about moving to Durango for years, even before Oregon was on the table so it feels a little like fate to be here now. I mean, fate sure took the long road getting us here, but here we are. FINALLY! We arrived at our new home on November 1st and I think it's safe to say we are settling in. After two months of the nomadic life--packing and unpacking, and packing and unpacking--we are incredibly grateful to be all together in a beautiful place with the chance to try something new all over again.

Here we are at the Colorado Trail where the long 486-mile path ends outside Durango, CO.

It is the very thought of taking a chance that has been rolling around in my brain for the last couple of months. Leaving Oregon, though the right decision for so many reasons, was also heartbreaking. We rolled the dice moving to Oregon, and while we made some magnificent memories, it was never home. To admit this felt like a defeat, but I also like to think we were strong enough, smart enough, brave enough even to recognize we needed to make a change. I hope our kids don't so much remember being shuffled around, but instead remember one great big adventure. I hope they learned to take chances and go after what they want. I also hope they learned it's ok to pivot, so to speak, when things aren't working out quite as you expected. Doing what's right will not always feel easy, or even good (especially in the middle of the story), but it will always be brave. I hope we taught them to be brave for when you follow your heart the reward is that much sweeter.

Speaking of sweet... Inspired by a friend on Facebook, one of the first things I made when we landed in Durango where classic chocolate chip cookies. A tasty and comforting reward indeed! Click here for the recipe and thanks for reading.

One last note to say thank you with all my heart to those that helped us through this challenging journey. We could not do it alone!

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