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  • Writer's pictureLeah Roche

Game Changer

I've always been interested in health and and fitness. More so the fitness factor in my earlier years, but as I've gotten older and learned more about how much diet influences our body and mind it's become a bigger passion. To me, food is medicine, so when a family friend recommended my husband and I watch the Netflix documentary Game Changers, a film about plant-based eating, protein, and strength, I was intrigued. After watching the film, I was motivated! If you haven't checked this documentary out yet, I highly encourage it. Similar to Forks over Knives or What the Health (other good documentaries I would recommend), the main theme is that we were meant to eat a plant-based diet. The facts these film makers present are both astounding and heavy hitting. I started this blog because I wanted to learn more about the benefits of a plant-based diet myself. I'll do my best to share what I am learning along the way as well as the recipes I'm making my family. I wish all those reading this happiness and good health. Now let's get cooking!

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